25 signs of sick chameleon

It’s important for every chameleon keeper to know the signs of sick chameleon. Chameleons do a great job of hiding illness from predators so by the time we notice, it is sometimes too late to save them. Be sure to have a vet you trust already picked out and if you don’t have a vet in your area you’re welcome to book a call with me and I’ll do my best to help!

Just because your chameleon is demonstrating one of these symptoms does not automatically mean that they’re sick. But the combination of multiple symptoms or unusual behavior is when you should start to worry.

  1. Closed eyes during the daytime

  2. Sunken in eyes

  3. Swollen eyes

  4. Lack of appetite

  5. Weak grip

  6. Grabbing own legs

  7. Visible cheek bones

  8. Gaping

  9. Head pointing upwards

  10. Excess saliva

  11. Weird noises while breathing

  12. Blood in poop

  13. Blackened teeth

  14. Discolored mouth

  15. Bumps or lumps

  16. Vomiting

  17. Discoloration

  18. Broken bones

  19. Prolapse

  20. Black or discolored tail

  21. Orange urates

  22. Unable to climb

  23. Curved bones

  24. Tongue not shooting properly

  25. Any unusual behavior